Sylhet To Dhaka Train schedule & Online Ticket Price
Do you want to start journey by train from Sylhet to Dhaka or Dhaka to sylhet? If yes! Then you have to know Sylhet to Dhaka train schedule and ticket price. If your journey is stop any other stoppages between Dhaka to sylhet then you have to know more about this station.
On this article I’m going to share with you all of update information about Dhaka to sylhet train. Including: schedule, ticket price, train list and stoppages with ticket price of this stoppages. For knowing it in-depth, just keep reading at the end. I hope after that all of your confusion will be clear.
Before starting my article I just wanna clarify one thing that, all of information adopted from the official website of Bangladesh railway station. They can change it anytime. It’s sure that if they change then we will definitely update article with update data.
Sylhet to Dhaka Train List
Like others place in the route of sylhet to dhaka has two types train. Those are:
- Intercity train
- Mail train
Intercity train is very popular on this route, because it has many facility even though ticket price is worthy. You will enjoy comfortable journey. It has no too much stoppages like mail train. It has limited chair but all of seats are good quality. So try to collect ticket earlier.
Reverse, gou can not enjoy much in the mail train, there are many seats in which there is a huge number of passengers. It has many stoppages, where the passengers get up and down. So it’s take long time to reach destination. The ticket price is lower than intercity train.
Sylhet to Dhaka intercity train list
There are four intercity train those run for sylhet to Dhaka and Dhaka to sylhet as well. On the below section we I have described about all of those. Here is list:
- Parabat Express
- Upaban Express
- Kalani Expressa
- Jayantika Express
From those above mentioned train, Upaban Express runs for everyday in week. Without it other trains are available for six day. Others have one weekend except Upaban Express.
Sylhet to Dhaka mail train
There is only one mail train on the way of sylhet to Dhaka named Surma Mail. It has no off day. As I said earlier, it’s very slow train. Basically it was made for economics propose. If you have any immediate action then you can take a seat of mail train.
Sylhet to Dhaka train schedule
Time is most important thing in our life, so you should know schedule of sylhet to Dhaka train for maintaining your valuable time. There are six different trains including Surma Mail. On the section below I have given a table. Have a look at this.
Name | Code | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Surma mail | 10 | No | 6:45 PM | 9:15 AM |
Upaban Express | 740 | No | 10.00 PM | 11.50 PM |
Jayantika Express | 718 | Thursday | 8:40 AM | 12:10 AM |
Parabat Express | 710 | Tuesday | 3:00 PM | 9:55 PM |
Upaban Express | 740 | No | 10:00 PM | 11:50 PM |
After seeing this schedule, you realized that of the above five trains, three trains have a day off, and the remaining two trains have no holidays. But during the big events, the train goes on holidays also because many passengers come home. Especially during Eid and Puja.
Dhaka to sylhet train schedule
Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh, Nowadays people goes for different needs, and many people working in different garments in Dhaka city. When they want to come home. Or you want to sylhet from Dhaka. Then of course it is necessary to know the train schedule for coming from Dhaka to Sylhet, they are looking for this timetable so I want to mention here. I think this schedule will help you.
Train Name (No:) | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Parabat Express (709) | 06:40 | 13:40 | Tuesday |
Kalni Express (775) | 07:00 | 13:00 | Friday |
Surma Mail (11) | 22:50 | 12:00 | No |
Jayantika Express (717) | 12:00 | 20:00 | No |
Upaban Express (739) | 21:50 | 05:30 | Wednesday |
Sylhet to Dhaka train route
Sylhet is the most beautiful place in Bangladesh, and Dhaka is the largest city. So you can enjoy the beautiful landscapes of Sylhet on your journey. For example: small hills, tea gardens, water fountains, etc. On the other hand, you will enjoy the atmosphere of the capital when going to Dhaka. Which will make your trip exciting. There are several stations on the journey from Sylhet to Dhaka where the train will stop and rest for some time. Intercity train has several stoppages but mail train stops on all of stoppages. Here is the list of stoppages.
Sylhet To Dhaka Substation (By Train Name)
As I said earlier, Intercity train has not too much substation. Now we are going to see all of substation of Intercity train in the route of Dhaka to sylhet. On these stoppages you can get down from train if your destination is end. And, you can also take a new seat for another substation. All of substation only for Intercity train and mail train has not Limited substation it stops all of station. So it’s take long time and people feel boring. From my experience I won’t recommend anyone to choose mail train.
Train Name | Stoppage Name |
Jayantika & Upaban Express | Bimanbandor, Sirajganj, Srimangal, Kulaura, Azampur |
Parabat Express | Azampur, Srimangal, kulaura, SaiestaganJ, Bimanbandor, Brahmanbaria |
Kalni Express | Shayestaganj, Sreemangal, Kulaura, Sylhet |
Sylhet to Dhaka Station List
From Sylhet to Dhaka, there are several station. Passenger can take a rest on the for a limited time. Each station has hosted to eat something. If you are a local people, you can take a seat or leave seat from the station. Here are the station list:
- Bimanbandor
- Sirajganj
- Srimangal
- Kulaura
- Azampur
- Shayestaganj
- Brahmanbaria
Sylhet to Dhaka train ticket price
Are you ready to start your trip? Before that you need to know ticket price of sylhet to Dhaka or Dhaka to sylhet. Every train has several types of seats. That’s why ticket price is depend of seats quality. According to Bangladesh railway, intercity train has eight type of seats. Mail train has not comfortable seats so the price is also low. Here is the ticket price with their seats class.
Seats Name | Price BDT |
Shulov | 150/= |
Shuvon | 245/= |
Shuvon (Chair) | 295/= |
1st Class (Seat) | 395/= |
Snigdha | 564/= |
1st Class (Barth) | 590/= |
AC (Seat) | 679/= |
AC (Berth) | 1018/= |
Sylhet to Dhaka Train Distance
The distance from Sylhet to Dhaka is 235 kilometres by the train. It takes almost six hours to reach the destination. The duration of Sylhet to Dhaka is 5 hours and 15 minutes. It’s a long journey; where you can enjoy a lot of notable places and the beauty of nature.
How to Buy Sylhet to Dhaka Train Ticket
Buying train ticket is very easy method. There are many ways to buy train tickets. Bangladesh railway gives us this opportunity for making your journey very easy.
Buy from nearby train station
If your home is near of station then you can buy it very easily and quickly. Just go to the station point and ask for what type of ticket want to buy and pay him with ticket price.
Buy train ticket from online
You can also buy train ticket from online, directly from Bangladesh rail Sheba website. When purchasing tickets online, you will need to pay money by card. To enjoy this feature you need credit card.
Buy train ticket from Android app
Bangladesh railway station has another facilities to buy train ticket from Android application. Just go to the Google Play Store and download official applications after installing you will find all of option to buy your ticket. it’s also a very easy method you can save your time no need to go station.