
Visit Shamshernagar Golf Ground

Visit Shamshernagar Golf Ground

Just as the day begins with air pollution and traffic jams in city life, so does the end. If you want to get out of the brick-and-mortar confines of the city life and go to the pure passion of nature, then you can visit the Shamshernagar Golf Club in Sylhet. And you don’t have to worry about the cost, you can travel well within just 600 rupees.  

The origin of golf

There is much debate about the origin of golf. According to one historian, golf originated from the ancient Roman game Paganica, in which participants hit a leather ball with a curved stick. The game spread throughout Europe with the Romans in the first century BC and slowly evolved into today’s golf. According to others, the game of chuiwan (chui meaning ‘to hit’ and wan meaning ‘small ball’) in China between the eighth and fourteenth centuries is the forerunner of golf. In the Middle Ages the game went to Europe. Cambuca in England or cambot in France is another ancient game, which is closely related to golf. Later this game spread as ‘Pale Mail’. According to some, golf originated from the Persian ‘Chughan’. Meanwhile, an annual game of curved sticks and balls called ‘Kolven’ has been practiced since 1297 in Lonnen, Holland, to commemorate the capture of the murderer of Floris V. However, according to widely accepted opinion, Today’s golf originated in 12th century Scotland. There, in the old fields of today’s St. Andrews, shepherds used sticks and stones to fill rabbit holes.

what you see

On the way you will see tea garden workers picking tea leaves. Somewhere new saplings of tea trees have grown. The refreshing green scenery of the tea gardens will relieve the fatigue of your journey. From a distance, the golf course looks like a carpet of green grass. There are four fields. There are benches for sitting on the side of the field. After going some distance you will see the lake. The lotus is floating in the water of the lake. The flash of sun and the mithali of lotus in the water of the lake is a wonderful scene.

how to go

Shamshernagar can be directly reached by train or by road from anywhere in the country including Dhaka, Chittagong. From Dhaka, you can take the Antanagar Upaban train directly to Shamshernagar railway station. Apart from this, Shamshernagar can also take the Antnagar Jayantika Express train to Bhanugach railway station, which is seven kilometers away. You can also get off at Srimangal or Kulaura station by Antanagar Paravat train. Shamsernagar Golf Ground can be reached quickly from there.

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